Validation service

Form validation is often a complex and burdensome topic to tackle.

We have envisioned the simplest way to achieve a validation system while offering granularity capable of addressing all scenarios.


The useValidation service will allow you to simply validate a value passed as a parameter, or the properties of an object. But it also allows for smooth use with Orion's form field components. We will see some examples below.

This system is linked to the use of Validator from Orion. It notably proposes "shortcuts" to the main validation rules (below).


Validating a value

useValidation().check(undefined, 'required') // return false
useValidation().check('doe', 'required') // return true

useValidation().check('doe', 'hasUppercase') // return false
useValidation().check('Doe', 'hasUppercase') // return true

useValidation().check('d', 'length:2') // return false
useValidation().check('doe', 'length:2') // return true
useValidation().check('john', 'length:2,3') // return false

// Equivalents
// string
useValidation().check('Doe', 'length:2')
// static Validator rule
useValidation().check('Doe', Validator.rules.hasMinLength(2))
// (val: T) => boolean
useValidation().check<string>('Doe', val => val.length >= 2)

// Combining several rules
// string
useValidation().check('Joe', 'required|hasUppercase|length:2,3') // return true
// Validator instance
useValidation().check('Joe', new Validator([
	Validator.rules.length(2, 3),

Validating a reactive object

The useValidation service will infer the type of the object passed in the first parameter.

You then have the possibility to validate each property of the object by creating the property of the same name in the second parameter.
Your editor should suggest the available properties and their inferred type from the object passed in the first parameter.

const user = reactive({
	birthdate: undefined as Date | undefined,
	firstName: 'john',
	lastName: 'doe',
	email: '',

// Combining several types of validation rules
const validator = useValidation(user, {
	// (val: T) => boolean
	birthdate: val => val?.getFullYear() === 2000,
	// string
	firstName: 'required',
	// static Validator rule
	lastName: Validator.rules.hasMinLength(2, 'Custom error message'),
	// Validator instance with multiple rules
	email: new Validator([,
		// Custom function returns Orion.Validator.RuleResult
		val => ({
			result: val.includes(user.lastName), 							 // boolean
			level: 'error', 																	 // 'error' | 'warning'
			message: `Email should include "${user.lastName}"` // string

function checkForm () {
	return validator.validate();

Retrieving full results

The getResults() method will allow you to retrieve the complete result for each validation rule.


The getResult(value, ruleParams) method will do the same for a value and a rule passed as parameters.

Following the example of the validator above, you will get this:


/** returns
	"birthdate": [
			"result": false,
			"level": "error"
	"firstName": [
			"result": true,
			"message": "Requis",
			"level": "error"
	"lastName": [
			"result": true,
			"message": "Custom error message",
			"level": "error"
	"email": [
			"result": true,
			"message": "Email non valide",
			"level": "error"
			"result": false,
			"level": "error",
			"message": "Email should include \"doe\""

Binding with the template

The useValidation service integrates seamlessly with Orion components via the validation prop and the method myValidator.rule('...') of the service instance (example below).
This method takes as a parameter the name of one of the properties of the object listing the validation rules.
Your editor should automatically infer the type and suggest the available rules.

		validation-error-message="Lastname at least 2 char. long"

<script setup lang="ts">
const user = reactive({
	firstName: undefined as Undef<string>,
	lastName: undefined as Undef<string>,
	email: undefined as Undef<string>,

const validator = useValidation(user, {
	firstName: 'required',
	lastName: 'required|length:2',
	email:`This email doesn't look good`),





You can, if needed, customize the error message in the template (line 9) or in the validator (line 27).

Validation Status

The useValidation service instance will transparently register Orion form components using one of its rules via the validation prop.

By default, only fields that have been focus will display the result of the validation upon blur. You can display the validation on all fields with the method showValidationState, for example, if the method myValidator.validate() returns false.

The method hideValidationState allows hiding the validation state on fields that have not yet been focus. To hide the state on all fields, you will need to use the method resetValidationState.

Observe this behavior in the full example





To see the default behavior, refer to Composants > Password.



check(value, ruleParams)boolean
value T
ruleParams Orion.Validation.RuleResult<T>
checkRuleParams(value, ruleParams)boolean
deprecatedUse "check" method instead
value any
ruleParams Orion.Validation.RuleResult<any>
getResult(value, ruleParams)Orion.Validator.RuleResult[]
value T
ruleParams Orion.Validation.RuleResult<T>
ruleName string