
<o-avatar> is used to represent people or object like an article thumbnail for example.

It will display the first letter of the name prop in case the avatar prop is undefined.

Additionally if you provide the update-function prop, it will automatically add an upload icon to trigger this function.


Although this component is very simple, it can handle complex cases depending on your application architecture.

More on that below in the Edges cases section.


AvatarSquare AvatarUpdate AvatarPlayground

Edge cases

Like we explained before the usage can be very simple, just by providing an url for the avatar prop and a string for the name prop as a fallback.

But let's take a different example where the avatar is stored in a database and can be displayed with its id. In this case you can provide a number for the avatar prop and a string for the root-url prop. Then the component will automatically detect it and recreate the right url by concatenating both prop.

This can also be the case when the avatar is retrieved as a JSON object, you can directly use it for the avatar prop, it just need an id key.


avatar{id: number} | number | string = undefined
colorOrion.Color = 'brand'
containboolean = false
namestring = ''
nbAvatarUpdatesnumber = 0
rootUrlstring = '/avatar/'
sizenumber | Orion.Size = 'md'
squareboolean = false
tooltipstring = undefined
updateFunctionFunction = undefined